AXCEL C++ Framework
Elegance through abstraction
Go to the documentation of this file.
00030 #ifndef AXCEL
00031 #define AXCEL
00032 #include <cstdio>
00033 #include <cstdlib>
00034 #include <cstring>
00035 #include <cstdarg>
00036 #include <cmath>
00037 #include <climits>
00038 #include <cctype>
00039 #include <deque>
00041 #ifdef _WIN32
00042 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
00043 #define WINVER 0x0600
00044 #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
00045 #define popen _popen
00046 #define pclose _pclose
00047 #include <windows.h>
00048 #include <winsock2.h>
00049 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
00050 #include <conio.h>
00051 #include <io.h>
00052 #include <fcntl.h>
00053 #include <tlhelp32.h>
00054 #include <errno.h>
00056 #undef min
00057 #include <time.h>
00058 #else
00059 #include <errno.h>
00060 #include <ctime>
00061 #include <sys/types.h>
00062 #include <sys/stat.h>
00063 #include <sys/wait.h>
00064 #include <fcntl.h>
00065 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
00066 #include <poll.h>
00067 #include <unistd.h>
00068 #include <dirent.h>
00069 #include <sys/socket.h>
00070 #include <netdb.h>
00071 #include <arpa/inet.h>
00072 #include <termios.h>
00073 #include <wordexp.h>
00075 #include <signal.h>
00076 #include <pthread.h>
00077 #include <semaphore.h>
00079 #include <dlfcn.h>
00080 #endif
00082 #define use using namespace
00084 #define unless(x) if (!(x))
00086 #define until(x) while (!(x))
00088 #define loop() for (;;)
00090 #define crap(...)\
00091         if (1) {\
00092         fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
00093         return;}
00095 #define craps(x, ...) \
00096         if (1) {\
00097         fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
00098         return x; }
00100 #define warn(...) \
00101         fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);
00103 typedef unsigned char uchar;
00104 typedef unsigned short ushort;
00105 typedef unsigned int uint;
00106 typedef unsigned long ulong;
00108 template <typename T>
00109 inline bool gt(T a, T b) { return a > b; }
00111 template <typename T>
00112 inline bool lt(T a, T b) { return a < b; }
00114 template <typename T>
00115 inline bool eq(T a, T b) { return a == b; }
00117 template <typename T>
00118 inline bool gte(T a, T b) { return a >= b; }
00120 template <typename T>
00121 inline bool lte(T a, T b) { return a <= b; }
00123 template <typename T>
00124 inline bool neq(T a, T b) { return a != b; }
00149 char* strcpy2(char* s1, const char* s2);
00150 char* strncpy2(char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n);
00152 const char* strstrs(const char* src, ...);
00154 int strstrc(const char* src, ...);
00157 namespace axcel {
00158 class object;
00159 class data;
00160 class string;
00161 class console;
00162 class exception;
00165 namespace io {
00166         class iob;
00167         class iofmt;
00168         class input;
00169         class output;
00170         class ios;
00171 };
00174 namespace fs {
00175         class file;
00176 };
00179 namespace proc {
00181         class thread;
00182         class mutex;
00183         class semaphore;
00185         class pstream;
00187         class library;
00189         class environment;
00190 };
00193 namespace net {
00195         class ipaddr;
00197         class dgram;
00214         namespace socket {
00216                 class tcp;
00218                 class udp;
00219         };
00221         namespace irc {
00223                 class msg;
00224         };
00226         namespace http {
00228                 class field;
00230                 class request;
00232                 class header;
00234                 class response;
00236                 class query;
00237         };
00238 };      
00249 class object {
00250 protected: int errnum;
00251 public:
00252         object() { errnum = 0; }
00257         virtual string type() = 0;
00262         virtual operator string () = 0;
00267         string tostr();
00272         exception error();
00274 };
00276 namespace io {
00279 class iofmt : virtual public object {
00280 public:
00281         virtual string type();
00282         virtual operator string ();
00283         size_t width;
00284         size_t precis;
00285         iofmt();
00286         bool bin(int i = -1);
00287         bool btoa(int i = -1);
00288         bool base(int i = -1);
00289         bool zpad(int i = -1);
00290         bool sign(int i = -1);
00291         bool deaf(int i = -1);
00292         bool dec(int i = -1);
00293         bool hex(int i = -1);
00294         bool oct(int i = -1);
00295         bool ltrim(int i = -1);
00296         bool endnl(int i = -1);
00297         bool left(int i = -1);
00298         bool right(int i = -1);
00299         bool fix(int i = -1);
00300         bool sci(int i = -1);
00301 private:
00302         bool gsbit(int i, long j);
00303         long lfmt;
00304 };
00308 class iob : virtual public object {
00309 public:
00310         virtual string type();
00311         virtual operator string ();
00312         //io::iob* knot;
00313         iob() { /*knot = 0;*/ istat = 0; heal(); }
00314         iofmt fmt;
00315         bool ok();
00316         bool hurt();
00317         bool dead();
00318         bool eof();
00319         void heal();
00320         void hit();
00321         void kill();
00322         void drain();
00323 private:
00324         int istat;
00325 };
00329 class input : virtual public iob {
00330 public:
00331         virtual string type();
00344         virtual int getc() = 0;
00345         virtual char* gets(char* s, int size = 0);
00346         virtual string gets(int size = 0);
00347         virtual int scanf(const char* format, ...);
00348         virtual size_t read(char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb);
00349         virtual data read(size_t size, size_t nmemb);
00350         virtual data dump();
00351         virtual string drink(const char* eol = 0);
00352         virtual data suck(const char* eol, size_t len = 0);
00353         input& operator>> (bool& val);
00354         input& operator>> (short& val);
00355         input& operator>> (unsigned short& val);
00356         input& operator>> (int& val);
00357         input& operator>> (unsigned int& val);
00358         input& operator>> (long& val);
00359         input& operator>> (unsigned long& val);
00360         input& operator>> (long long& val);
00361         input& operator>> (unsigned long long& val);
00362         input& operator>> (float& val);
00363         input& operator>> (double& val);
00364         input& operator>> (long double& val);
00365         input& operator>> (void*& val);
00366         input& operator>> (char& c);
00367         input& operator>> (char* s);
00368         input& operator>> (string& s);
00369 private:
00370         char* in_fmt(char* s, char d, char m);
00371 };
00375 class output : virtual public iob {
00376 public:
00377         virtual string type();
00389         virtual int putc(int c) = 0;
00390         virtual int puts(const char* s);
00391         virtual int printf(const char* format, ...);
00392         virtual size_t write(const char* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb);
00393         virtual size_t write(data d);
00394         output& operator<< (object& o);
00395         output& operator<< (bool val);
00396         output& operator<< (short val);
00397         output& operator<< (unsigned short val);
00398         output& operator<< (int val);
00399         output& operator<< (unsigned int val);
00400         output& operator<< (long val);
00401         output& operator<< (unsigned long val);
00402         output& operator<< (float val);
00403         output& operator<< (double val);
00404         output& operator<< (long double val);
00405         output& operator<< (const void* val);
00406         output& operator<< (char c);
00407         output& operator<< (signed char c);
00408         output& operator<< (unsigned char c);
00409         output& operator<< (const char* s);
00410         output& operator<< (string s);
00411         output& put(object& o);
00412         inline output& put(bool val) { return operator<<(val); }
00413         inline output& put(short val) { return operator<<(val); }
00414         inline output& put(unsigned short val) { return operator<<(val); }
00415         inline output& put(int val) { return operator<<(val); }
00416         inline output& put(long val) { return operator<<(val); }
00417         inline output& put(unsigned long val) { return operator<<(val); }
00418         inline output& put(float val) { return operator<<(val); }
00419         inline output& put(double val) { return operator<<(val); }
00420         inline output& put(long double val) { return operator<<(val); }
00421         inline output& put(const void* val) { return operator<<(val); }
00422         inline output& put(char c) { return operator<<(c); }
00423         inline output& put(signed char c) { return operator<<(c); }
00424         inline output& put(unsigned char c) { return operator<<(c); }
00425         inline output& put(const char* s) { return operator<<(s); }
00426         output& echo(object& o);
00427         inline output& echo() { putc('\n'); return *this; }
00428         inline output& echo(bool val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00429         inline output& echo(short val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00430         inline output& echo(unsigned short val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00431         inline output& echo(int val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00432         inline output& echo(size_t val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00433         inline output& echo(long val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00434         inline output& echo(unsigned long val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00435         inline output& echo(float val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00436         inline output& echo(double val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00437         inline output& echo(long double val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00438         inline output& echo(const void* val) { operator<<(val); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00439         inline output& echo(char c) { operator<<(c); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00440         inline output& echo(signed char c) { operator<<(c); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00441         inline output& echo(unsigned char c) { operator<<(c); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00442         inline output& echo(const char* s) { operator<<(s); putc('\n'); return *this; }
00443         output& put(string s);
00444         output& echo(string s);
00446 private:
00447         char* out_fmt(char* s, char t, const char* m);
00448 };
00457 class ios : virtual public input, virtual public output {
00458 public:
00459         string type();
00460         operator string();
00461         ios& operator<< (object& o);
00462         ios& operator<< (bool val);
00463         ios& operator<< (short val);
00464         ios& operator<< (unsigned short val);
00465         ios& operator<< (int val);
00466         ios& operator<< (unsigned int val);
00467         ios& operator<< (long val);
00468         ios& operator<< (unsigned long val);
00469         ios& operator<< (float val);
00470         ios& operator<< (double val);
00471         ios& operator<< (long double val);
00472         ios& operator<< (const void* val);
00473         ios& operator<< (char c);
00474         ios& operator<< (signed char c);
00475         ios& operator<< (unsigned char c);
00476         ios& operator<< (const char* s);
00477         ios& operator<< (string s);
00478         ios& put(object& o);
00479         ios& put(string s);
00480         ios& echo(object& o);
00481         ios& echo(string s);
00482         ios& put(bool val);
00483         ios& put(short val);
00484         ios& put(unsigned short val);
00485         ios& put(int val);
00486         ios& put(long val);
00487         ios& put(unsigned long val);
00488         ios& put(float val);
00489         ios& put(double val);
00490         ios& put(long double val);
00491         ios& put(const void* val);
00492         ios& put(char c);
00493         ios& put(signed char c);
00494         ios& put(unsigned char c);
00495         ios& put(const char* s);
00496         ios& echo();
00497         ios& echo(bool val);
00498         ios& echo(short val);
00499         ios& echo(unsigned short val);
00500         ios& echo(int val);
00501         ios& echo(size_t val);
00502         ios& echo(long val);
00503         ios& echo(unsigned long val);
00504         ios& echo(float val);
00505         ios& echo(double val);
00506         ios& echo(long double val);
00507         ios& echo(const void* val);
00508         ios& echo(char c);
00509         ios& echo(signed char c);
00510         ios& echo(unsigned char c);
00511         ios& echo(const char* s);
00512         ios& operator>> (bool& val);
00513         ios& operator>> (short& val);
00514         ios& operator>> (unsigned short& val);
00515         ios& operator>> (int& val);
00516         ios& operator>> (unsigned int& val);
00517         ios& operator>> (long& val);
00518         ios& operator>> (unsigned long& val);
00519         ios& operator>> (long long& val);
00520         ios& operator>> (unsigned long long& val);
00521         ios& operator>> (float& val);
00522         ios& operator>> (double& val);
00523         ios& operator>> (long double& val);
00524         ios& operator>> (void*& val);
00525         ios& operator>> (char& c);
00526         ios& operator>> (char* s);
00527         ios& operator>> (string& s);
00528 };
00530 }
00536 class data : virtual public io::ios {
00537 protected:
00538         size_t pos, mlen, slen;
00539 public:
00540         char* buf;
00543         virtual string type();
00550         virtual operator string ();
00551         data(const data& d);
00552         char& operator [](int i);
00553         data& operator= (const char* s);
00554         data& operator= (object& o);
00555         data& operator= (data d);
00556         bool operator== (data d);
00557         bool operator== (const char* s);
00558         bool operator== (object& o);
00559         bool operator!= (data d);
00560         bool operator!= (const char* s);
00561         bool operator!= (object& o);
00562         data();
00563         ~data();
00564         virtual int getc();
00565         virtual int putc(int c);
00566         virtual bool seek(long offset, int whence);
00567         virtual size_t tell();
00568         virtual void rewind();
00569         virtual void unwind();
00570         virtual bool ffwd(size_t offset);
00571         virtual bool prev(size_t offset);
00572         virtual size_t len() const;
00573         virtual void realloc(size_t n);
00574         virtual operator void* () { return (void*)buf; }
00575         virtual operator char* () { return buf; }
00576 };
00586 class string : virtual public data {
00587 public:
00588         virtual string type();
00589         virtual operator string ();
00590         string();
00591         string(const char* s);
00592         string(size_t n);
00593         string(const string& s);
00594         string(const data& s);
00595         ~string();
00596         int getc();
00597         int putc(int c);
00598         string& clear();
00599         bool empty();
00600         size_t len();
00601         size_t msize() const;
00602         string cat(const char* s, size_t n = 0);
00603         string cat(int c, size_t n = 1);
00604         string prep(const char* s, size_t n = 0);
00605         string prep(int c, size_t n = 1);
00606         long chr(int c, size_t index = 0);
00607         long rchr(int c);
00608         long str(const char* s, size_t index = 0);
00609         long rstr(const char* s);
00610         bool starts(const char* s);
00611         bool starts(int c);
00612         bool ends(const char* s);
00613         bool ends(int c);
00614         bool is(const char* s);
00615         bool is(int c);
00616         string cpy(const char* src, size_t index = 0, size_t count = 0);
00617         string cpy(int c, size_t index = 0, size_t count = 1);
00618         //string ncpy(const char* src, size_t n = 0, size_t index = 0);
00619         size_t spn(const char* accept, size_t index = 0);
00620         size_t spn(int c, size_t index = 0);
00621         size_t cspn(const char* reject, size_t index = 0);
00622         size_t cspn(int c, size_t index = 0);
00623         string fry();
00624         long pbrk(const char* accept, size_t index = 0);
00625         long rpbrk(const char* accept, size_t index = 0);
00626         string substr(size_t start, size_t count);
00627         string tok(size_t index, const char* delim = " ");
00628         string tok(size_t index, int delim); 
00629         size_t ntok(const char* delim = " ");
00630         size_t ntok(int delim);
00631         long itok(size_t index, const char* delim = " ");
00632         long itok(size_t index, int delim);
00633         std::deque<axcel::string> split(const char* delim = " ");
00634         std::deque<axcel::string> split(int delim);
00635         string wrap(size_t len, const char* eol = "\r\n");
00636         string left(size_t n);
00637         string right(size_t n);
00638         size_t nchr(int ch);
00639         size_t nstr(const char* str);
00640         string rep(const char* oldstr, const char* newstr);
00641         string rep(int oldc, int newc);
00642         string ins(size_t index, const char* str);
00643         string ins(size_t index, int c);
00644         string rm(size_t index, size_t n);
00645         string rev(size_t start = 0, size_t count = 0);
00646         string dup(int i);
00647         string ror(size_t i = 1, size_t index = 0, size_t count = 0);
00648         string rol(size_t i = 1, size_t index = 0, size_t count = 0);
00649         string shl(size_t n = 1);
00650         string shr(size_t n = 1);
00651         string lc(size_t start = 0, size_t count = 0);
00652         string uc(size_t start = 0, size_t count = 0);
00653         string q();
00654         string qq();
00655         string qx();
00656         char& front();
00657         char& back();
00658         string esc(const char* format, int (*charfilter)(int) = NULL);
00659         string esc(const char* format, const char* chrs);
00660         string uesc(const char* format, int (*charfilter)(int) = NULL);
00661         string uesc(const char* format, const char* chrs);
00662         string untag(int opentag = '<', int closetag = '>');
00663         //string htmlesc();
00664         //string htmluesc();
00665         string ltrim();
00666         string rtrim();
00667         string strip();
00668         string chop();
00669         string chomp(const char* eat = "\r\n");
00670         string chomp(char eat);
00671         string cut();
00672         string munch(const char* eat);
00673         string munch(char eat);
00674         string prefix(const char* str);
00675         string suffix(const char* str);
00684         inline string slurp(char c) { return shl(chr(c) + 1); }
00693         inline string rslurp(char c) { return shl(rchr(c) + 1); }
00702         inline string burn(char c) { if (chr(c) > -1) return shr(len() - chr(c)); else return *this; }
00711         inline string rburn(char c) { if (chr(c) > -1) return shr(len() - rchr(c)); else return *this; }
00720         inline string slurp(const char* s) { return shl(str(s) + strlen(s)); }
00729         inline string rslurp(const char* s) { return shl(rstr(s) + strlen(s)); }
00738         inline string burn(const char* s) { if (str(s) > -1) return shr(len() - str(s)); else return *this; }
00747         inline string rburn(const char* s) { if (str(s) > -1) return shr(len() - rstr(s)); else return *this; }
00748         string& swap(string& s);
00749         string center(size_t newlen, const char* left, const char* right);
00750         string center(size_t newlen, int left, int right);
00751         string center(size_t newlen, const char* pad = " ");
00752         string center(size_t newlen, int pad);
00753         string lpad(size_t newlen, const char* pad = " ");
00754         string lpad(size_t newlen, int pad);
00755         string rpad(size_t newlen, const char* pad = " ");
00756         string rpad(size_t newlen, int pad);
00757         string squeeze(const char* chrs = 0);
00758         string squeeze(int chr);
00759         string alnums();
00760         string alphas();
00761         string cntrls();
00762         string digits();
00763         string graphs();
00764         string lowers();
00765         string prints();
00766         string puncts();
00767         string spaces();
00768         string uppers();
00769         string xdigits();
00770         string ctypes(int (*cfunc)(int));
00771         string ctypes(const char* chrs);
00772         bool isalnum();
00773         bool isalpha();
00774         bool iscntrl();
00775         bool isdigit();
00776         bool isgraph();
00777         bool islower();
00778         bool isprint();
00779         bool ispunct();
00780         bool isspace();
00781         bool isupper();
00782         bool isxdigit();
00783         bool isctype(int (*cfunc)(int));
00784         bool isctype(const char* chrs);
00785         string inc();
00786         string dec();
00787         string incn();
00788         string decn();
00789         string add(int n);
00790         string add(const char* s);
00791         string sub(int n);
00792         string sub(const char* s);
00793         string addn(int n);
00794         string addn(const char* s);
00795         string subn(int n);
00796         string subn(const char* s);
00797         unsigned short cksum();
00798         int cmpstr(const char* s, ...);
00799         int cmpinstr(const char* s, ...);
00800         int cmpleft(const char* s, ...);
00801         int cmpright(const char* s, ...);
00802         string& operator =(string s);
00803         string& operator =(const char* s);
00804         string& operator =(const data& d);
00805         //string& operator =(char c);
00806         string operator +(const char* str);
00807         string operator +(char c);
00808         string& operator +=(const char* str);
00809         string& operator +=(char c);
00810         string operator -(const char* str);
00811         string operator -(char c);
00812         string& operator -=(const char* str);
00813         string& operator -=(char c);
00814         bool operator ==(const char* s);
00815         bool operator ==(char c);
00816         bool operator !=(const char* s);
00817         bool operator !=(char c);
00818         char& operator [](int i);
00819         string operator *(int i);
00820         string& operator *=(int i);
00821         string operator ()();
00822         operator const char*() { return buf; }
00823         operator char*() { return buf; }
00824         string& operator ++();
00825         string operator ++(int foo);
00826         string& operator --();
00827         string operator --(int foo);
00828 };
00839 class fs::file : virtual public io::ios {
00840 public:
00841         virtual string type();
00842         virtual operator string ();
00843         bool operator! ();
00844         FILE* fd;
00845         file() {}
00846         file(const char* name, const char* mode);
00847         file(FILE* f);
00848         file(int fh, const char* mode);
00849         int putc(int c);
00850         int getc();
00851         //string gets(int size = 0);
00852         FILE* open(const char* fname, const char* mode);
00853         FILE* dopen(int fh, const char* mode);
00854         FILE* reopen(const char* fname, const char* mode);
00855         bool close();
00856         bool flush();
00857         bool seek(long offset, int whence);
00858         long tell();
00859         bool rewind();
00860         bool unwind();
00861         bool ffwd(long offset);
00862         bool prev(long offset);
00863         bool nobuf();
00864         bool lbuf();
00865         bool fbuf(char* buf, size_t size);
00866         int ungetc(int c);
00867         operator FILE*() { return fd; }
00868 private:
00869         string filename;
00870 };
00873 class net::ipaddr : virtual public object {
00874 private:
00875         bool cmp(const char* s, struct in_addr * ia4, struct in6_addr * ia6, int op);
00876 #ifdef _WIN32
00877         void initwsa();
00878 #endif
00879 public:
00880         virtual string type();
00881         virtual operator string ();
00882         int af;
00883         union { struct in_addr addr4; struct in6_addr addr6; };
00884         ipaddr(const char* s = "");
00885         ipaddr(struct in_addr* s);
00886         ipaddr(struct in6_addr* s);
00887 #ifdef _WIN32
00888         ~ipaddr() { WSACleanup(); }
00889 #endif
00890         net::ipaddr& operator= (const char* s);
00891         net::ipaddr& operator= (struct in_addr* s);
00892         net::ipaddr& operator= (struct in6_addr* s);
00893         bool operator== (const char* s);
00894         bool operator== (struct in_addr* s);
00895         bool operator== (struct in6_addr* s);
00896         bool operator!= (const char* s);
00897         bool operator!= (struct in_addr* s);
00898         bool operator!= (struct in6_addr* s);
00899         bool operator> (const char* s);
00900         bool operator> (struct in_addr* s);
00901         bool operator> (struct in6_addr* s);
00902         bool operator< (const char* s);
00903         bool operator< (struct in_addr* s);
00904         bool operator< (struct in6_addr* s);
00905         bool operator>= (const char* s);
00906         bool operator>= (struct in_addr* s);
00907         bool operator>= (struct in6_addr* s);
00908         bool operator<= (const char* s);
00909         bool operator<= (struct in_addr* s);
00910         bool operator<= (struct in6_addr* s);
00911         net::ipaddr operator+ (int i);
00912         net::ipaddr operator- (int i);
00913         net::ipaddr& operator+= (int i);
00914         net::ipaddr& operator-= (int i);
00915         net::ipaddr& operator++ ();
00916         net::ipaddr operator++ (int foo);
00917         net::ipaddr& operator-- ();
00918         net::ipaddr operator-- (int foo);
00920 };
00923 class net::socket::tcp : virtual public io::ios {
00924 private: int af;
00925 #ifdef _WIN32
00926         int wsatoerr(int i);
00927 #endif
00928 public:
00929         virtual string type();
00930         virtual operator string ();
00931 #ifdef _WIN32
00932         SOCKET fd;
00933         ~tcp();
00934 #else
00935         int fd;
00936 #endif
00937         tcp();
00938         int putc(int c);
00939         int getc();
00940         data dump();
00941         int puts(const char* s);
00942         int send(const char* buf, size_t len);
00943         int recv(char* buf, size_t len);
00944         bool connect(const char* host, const char* port);
00945         bool listen(const char* port, int backlog);
00946         bool accept(tcp& f);
00947         bool blocking(int i = -1);
00948         bool ready();
00949         bool close();
00950         bool connected();
00951         string ip();
00952         string name();
00953 #ifdef _WIN32
00954 private:
00955         bool blking;
00956 #endif
00957 };
00960 class net::socket::udp : virtual public object {
00961 public:
00962 #ifdef _WIN32
00963         SOCKET fd;
00964 #else
00965         int fd;
00966 #endif
00967         udp();
00968         ~udp();
00969         virtual string type();
00970         virtual operator string();
00971         int post(dgram dg);
00972         net::dgram get();
00973         bool bind(const char* port);
00974         void unbind();
00975         int check();
00976 };
00979 class net::dgram : virtual public object {
00980 public:
00981         virtual string type();
00982         virtual operator string ();
00983         net::ipaddr ip;
00984         unsigned short port;
00985         data msg;
00986 };
00988 #ifdef _WIN32
00989 #define daylight _daylight
00990 struct tm *localtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm * result);
00991 struct tm *gmtime_r (const time_t *, struct tm * result);
00992 #endif
00994 time_t axcel_timegm(struct tm* tm);
00998 class timer : virtual public object {
00999 public:
01000         virtual string type();
01001         virtual operator string ();
01008         bool UTC;
01009         timer();
01010         timer(const char* s);
01011         struct tm t;
01012         int sec();
01013         int min();
01014         int hour();
01015         int mday();
01016         int mon();
01017         int year();
01018         int wday();
01019         string str();
01020         timer& operator= (const char* s);
01021         timer& operator= (struct tm* tm);
01022         timer& operator= (time_t raw);
01023         bool operator== (const char* s);
01024         bool operator!= (const char* s);
01025         bool operator> (const char* s);
01026         bool operator< (const char* s);
01027         bool operator<= (const char* s);
01028         bool operator>= (const char* s);
01029         timer operator+ (const char* s);
01030         timer operator- (const char* s);
01031         timer& operator+= (const char* s);
01032         timer& operator-= (const char* s);
01033         static string ltime();
01034         static string utime();
01035 private:
01037         template <typename T>
01038         bool op(bool (*cmp)(T, T), const char* s) {
01039                 int i;
01040                 const char* c;
01041                 struct tm z;
01042                 time_t a = 0, b = 0;
01043                 z.tm_sec = -1;
01044                 z.tm_min = -1;
01045                 z.tm_hour = -1;
01046                 z.tm_mday = -1;
01047                 z.tm_mon = -1;
01048                 z.tm_year = -1;
01049                 z.tm_wday = -1;
01050                 for (c = strpbrk(s, "0123456789"); c != NULL; c = strpbrk(c, "0123456789")) {
01051                         i = atoi(c);
01052                         while (isdigit(*c)) c++;
01053                         if (*c == ':') {
01054                                 z.tm_hour = i;
01055                                 z.tm_min = atoi(++c);
01056                                 while (isdigit(*c)) c++;
01057                                 if (*c == ':') z.tm_sec = atoi(++c);
01058                                 while (isdigit(*c)) c++;
01059                                 if (isspace(*c)) c++;
01060                                 if (!strncmp(c, "PM", 2) || !strncmp(c, "pm", 2) || !strncmp(c, "p.m.", 4))
01061                                 {       if (z.tm_hour != 12) z.tm_hour += 12; }
01062                                 else if (!strncmp(c, "AM", 2) || !strncmp(c, "am", 2) || !strncmp(c, "a.m.", 4))
01063                                 {       if (z.tm_hour == 12) z.tm_hour = 0; }
01064                         } else {
01065                                 if (i > 0 && i < 32) z.tm_mday = i;
01066                                 else z.tm_year = i - 1900;
01067                         }
01068                 }
01069                 if (strstr(s, "Sun")) z.tm_wday = 0;
01070                 else if (strstr(s, "Mon")) z.tm_wday = 1;
01071                 else if (strstr(s, "Tue")) z.tm_wday = 2;
01072                 else if (strstr(s, "Wed")) z.tm_wday = 3;
01073                 else if (strstr(s, "Thu")) z.tm_wday = 4;
01074                 else if (strstr(s, "Fri")) z.tm_wday = 5;
01075                 else if (strstr(s, "Sat")) z.tm_wday = 6;
01076                 if (strstr(s, "Jan")) z.tm_mon = 0;
01077                 else if (strstr(s, "Feb")) z.tm_mon = 1;
01078                 else if (strstr(s, "Mar")) z.tm_mon = 2;
01079                 else if (strstr(s, "Apr")) z.tm_mon = 3;
01080                 else if (strstr(s, "May")) z.tm_mon = 4;
01081                 else if (strstr(s, "Jun")) z.tm_mon = 5;
01082                 else if (strstr(s, "Jul")) z.tm_mon = 6;
01083                 else if (strstr(s, "Aug")) z.tm_mon = 7;
01084                 else if (strstr(s, "Sep")) z.tm_mon = 8;
01085                 else if (strstr(s, "Oct")) z.tm_mon = 9;
01086                 else if (strstr(s, "Nov")) z.tm_mon = 10;
01087                 else if (strstr(s, "Dec")) z.tm_mon = 11;
01088                 if (z.tm_sec != -1) { a += z.tm_sec; b += t.tm_sec; }
01089                 if (z.tm_min != -1) { a += z.tm_min * 60; b += t.tm_min * 60; }
01090                 if (z.tm_hour != -1) { a += z.tm_hour * 60 * 60; b += t.tm_hour * 60 * 60; }
01091                 if (z.tm_mday != -1) { a += z.tm_mday * 60 * 60 * 24; b += t.tm_mday * 60 * 60 * 24; }
01092                 if (z.tm_mon != -1) { a += z.tm_mon * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; b += t.tm_mon * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; }
01093                 if (z.tm_year != -1) { a += z.tm_year * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12; b += t.tm_year * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12; }
01094                 if (z.tm_wday != -1) { a += z.tm_wday * 60 * 60 * 24; b += t.tm_wday * 60 * 60 * 24; }
01095                 if (!(cmp(b, a))) return false;
01096                 return true;
01097         }
01098 };
01101 namespace color {
01102 #ifndef _WIN32
01103 enum {
01104         black, red, green, yellow, blue,
01105         purple, aqua, white
01106 };
01107 #else
01108 enum {
01109         black = 0,
01110         blue = FOREGROUND_BLUE, 
01111         green = FOREGROUND_GREEN,
01112         red = FOREGROUND_RED,
01114         purple = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED, 
01115         yellow = FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_RED,
01117 };
01118 #endif
01119 }
01128 class console : virtual public io::ios {
01129 public:
01130         virtual string type();
01131         virtual operator string ();
01132         FILE* in;
01133         FILE* out;
01134         console() { in = stdin; out = stdout; }
01135         int putc(int c);
01136         int getc();
01137         int getch();
01138         int getche();
01139         bool kbhit();
01140         data dump();
01141         console& putcr();
01142         console& putbs();
01143         console& cls();
01144         console& bel();
01145         console& setxy(int x, int y);
01146         console& setx(int x);
01147         console& sety(int y);
01148         console& up(int n);
01149         console& dn(int n);
01150         console& lt(int n);
01151         console& rt(int n);
01152         console& rmln();
01153         console& fglite();
01154         console& fgdark();
01155         console& fgcol(short color);
01156         console& bgcol(short color);
01157 private:
01158         char s[8];
01159 #ifdef _WIN32
01160         HANDLE conout;
01162         HANDLE coninfo(HANDLE* h, CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO* bi);
01163 #endif
01164 };
01166 extern console con;
01180 template <typename type>
01181 type stoi(const char* s, int base = 10) {
01182    bool neg = false;     
01183    type ret = 0, num, place = 1;
01184    while (isspace(*s)) s++;
01185    if (*s == '-') { neg = true; s++; }
01186    else if (*s == '+') s++;
01187    if (base == 0) {
01188       if (*s == '0') {
01189          if (tolower(s[1]) == 'x') { base = 16; s += 2; }
01190          else { base = 8; s++; }
01191       } else base = 10;
01192    } else {
01193       if (*s == '0') {
01194          if (tolower(s[1]) == 'x' && base == 16) s += 2;
01195          else if (base == 8) s++;
01196          else return 0;
01197       }
01198    }
01199    const char \
01200       *set = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
01201       *t = s + strlen(s) - 1,
01202       *tmp;
01203    for (t = s; *t; t++) {
01204                 tmp = strchr(set, tolower(*t));
01205                 if (tmp == NULL) break;
01206                 if (tmp - set >= base) break;
01207    }
01208    t--;
01209    if (t <= s) {
01210         tmp = strchr(set, tolower(*t));
01211         if (tmp == NULL) return 0;
01212         if (tmp - set >= base) return 0;
01213    }
01214    for (; t >= s; t--, place *= base) {
01215       if (!place) return 0;
01216       tmp = strchr(set, tolower(*t));
01217       if (tmp == NULL) return 0;
01218       if (tmp - set >= base) return 0;
01219       num = (tmp - set) * place;
01220       if (neg) {
01221          if ((type)(ret - (num ? num : place) > ret))
01222                         return 0;
01223          ret -= num;
01224          if (ret >= 0 && num != 0) return 0;
01225       } else {
01226          if ((type)(ret + (num ? num : place) < ret)) return 0;
01227          ret += num;
01228          if (ret <= 0 && num != 0) return 0;
01229       }
01230    }
01231    return ret;
01232 }
01242 template <typename type>
01243 type stof(const char* s) {
01244         int i;
01245         type ret = 0, num = 0, place = 1;
01246         bool neg = false;
01247         const char *t;
01248         bool pineapple = false;
01249         while (isspace(*s)) s++;
01250         if (*s == '-') { neg = true; s++; }
01251         else if (*s == '+') s++;
01252         if ((t = strchr(s, '.')) == NULL)
01253                 if ((t = strchr(s, 'e')) == NULL)
01254                         t = s + strlen(s);
01255         for (t--; t >= s; t--, place *= 10) {
01256                 goto stof_smoothie;
01257                 stof_forloop_1: ;
01258         }
01259         if ((t = strchr(s, '.')) == NULL) goto stof_blend_ice;
01260         pineapple = true;
01261         for (t++, place = 0.1;
01262                 *t != 'e' && *t != 0;
01263         t++, place /= 10) {
01264                 goto stof_smoothie;
01265                 stof_forloop_2: ;
01266         }
01268 stof_blend_ice:
01269         if ((t = strchr(s, 'e')) == NULL)
01270                 return ret;     
01271         else {
01272                 i = stoi<int>(t + 1, 10);
01273                 if (i < 0) {
01274                         for (; i < 0; i++) {
01275                                 num = ret / 10;
01276                                 if (num >= ret) return 0;
01277                                 else ret = num;
01278                         }
01279                 } else {
01280                         for (; i > 0; i--) {
01281                                 num = ret * 10;
01282                                 if (num <= ret) return 0;
01283                                 else ret = num;
01284                         }
01285                 }
01286         }
01287         return ret;
01288 stof_smoothie:
01289         if (!place)
01290                 if (neg) return 0;
01291         if (!isdigit(*t)) return 0;
01292         num = (*t - '0') * place;
01293         if (neg) {
01294                 if ((type)(ret - (num ? num : place) > ret))
01295                         return 0;
01296                 ret -= num;
01297                 if (ret >= 0 && num != 0) return 0;
01298         } else {
01299                 if ((type)(ret + (num ? num : place) <= ret)) return 0;
01300                         ret += num;
01301                 if (ret <= 0 && num != 0) return 0;
01302         }
01303         if (pineapple) goto stof_forloop_2;
01304         else goto stof_forloop_1;
01305 }
01318 template <typename type>
01319 string itos(type t, int base = 10, bool showbase = false) {
01320         string s;
01321         if (base == 10) s.fmt.dec(1);
01322         else if (base == 16) s.fmt.hex(1);
01323         else if (base == 8) s.fmt.oct(1);
01324         s.fmt.base(showbase);
01325         s << t;
01326         return s;
01327 }
01336 template <typename type>
01337 string ftos(type t, bool sci = false) {
01338         string s;
01339         s.fmt.sci(sci);
01340         s << t;
01341         return s;
01342 }
01352 void die(const char* format, ...);
01360 inline void print(const char* s, FILE* stream = stdout) { fputs(s, stream); }
01368 inline void print(int ch, FILE* stream = stdout) { fputc(ch, stream); fflush(stream); }
01376 int rand(int min = 0, int max = 0);
01385 int rands(unsigned int seed, int min = 0, int max = 0);
01392 char* memrev(char* s, size_t size, size_t n);
01399 char* memrol(char* s, size_t size, size_t n);
01406 char* memror(char* s, size_t size, size_t n);
01413 char* memshl(char* s, size_t size, size_t n);
01420 char* memshr(char* s, size_t size, size_t n);
01429 string chop(const char* str);
01438 string chomp(const char* str, const char* eat = "\r\n");
01446 string cut(const char* str);
01455 string munch(const char* str, const char* eat);
01464 string ltrim(const char* str);
01473 string rtrim(const char* str);
01482 string strip(const char* str);
01489 inline long index(const char* str, const char* find) { return strstr(str, find) - str; }
01496 inline long index(const char* str, int find) { return strchr(str, find) - str; }
01502 inline long length(const char* str) { return strlen(str); }
01509 inline bool eq(const char* s1, const char* s2) { return !strcmp(s1, s2); }
01516 inline bool sfront(const char* s1, const char* s2) { return !strncmp(s1, s2, strlen(s2)); }
01523 inline bool sback(const char* s1, const char* s2) { return !strncmp(s1 + strlen(s1) - strlen(s2), s2, strlen(s2)); }
01531 string substr(const char* str, size_t offset, size_t length);
01537 string lc(const char* str);
01543 string lcfirst(const char* str);
01549 string uc(const char* str);
01555 string ucfirst(const char* str);
01561 inline long dec(const char* str) { return stoi<long>(str, 10); }
01567 inline long bin(const char* str) { return stoi<long>(str, 2); }
01573 inline long oct(const char* str) { return stoi<long>(str, 8); }
01579 inline long hex(const char* str) { return stoi<long>(str, 16); }
01586 long rindex(const char* str, const char* find);
01593 long rindex(const char* str, int find);
01599 unsigned short cksum(const char* buf);
01605 string q(const char* str);
01611 string qq(const char* str);
01617 string qx(const char* exec);
01624 string scat(const char* s1, const char* s2);
01631 string sdup(const char* str, int x);
01639 string tok(size_t index, const char* str, const char* delim = " ");
01647 string tok(size_t index, const char* str, int delim);
01654 long ntok(const char* str, const char* delim = " ");
01661 long ntok(const char* str, int delim);
01669 long itok(size_t index, const char* str, const char* delim = " ");
01677 long itok(size_t index, const char* str, int delim);
01684 std::deque<axcel::string> split(const char* str, const char* delim);
01691 std::deque<axcel::string> split(const char* str, int delim);
01698 string join(std::deque<axcel::string> v, const char* delim = " ");
01705 string join(std::deque<axcel::string> v, int delim);
01708 namespace fs {
01710 #ifdef _WIN32
01715 inline bool cd(const char* path) { return SetCurrentDirectoryA(path); }
01721 inline bool rm(const char* fname) { return DeleteFileA(fname); }
01727 inline bool md(const char* path) { return CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL); }
01728 #else
01733 bool cd(const char* path);
01739 bool rm(const char* fname);
01745 bool md(const char* path);
01746 #endif
01751 string gcd();
01760 string ls(const char* dir = 0);
01766 bool creat(const char* fname);
01768 /*bool mkfifo(const char* fname);
01769 bool mkhlnk(const char* ofname, const char* lfname);
01770 bool mkslnk(const char* ofname, const char* lfname);
01771 string rdlnk(const char* lfname);*/
01784 bool trunc(const char* fname, unsigned long len);
01795 bool rd(const char* dir, bool rmsub = 1);
01802 bool cp(const char* src, const char* dst);
01809 bool mv(const char* src, const char* dst);
01815 size_t fsize(const char* fname);
01821 bool fexist(const char* fname);
01827 bool fisdir(const char* fname);
01833 bool fisreg(const char* fname);
01840 string fread(const char* fname, size_t len = 0);
01848 size_t fread(const char* fname, char* buf, size_t len = 0);
01852 data fbread(const char* fname, size_t len = 0);
01856 size_t fbwrite(const char* fname, data d, size_t len = 0);
01864 size_t fwrite(const char* fname, const char* buf, size_t len = 0);
01872 size_t fcat(const char* fname, const char* buf, size_t len = 0);
01879 bool fcmp(const char* src, const char* dst);
01885 timer fatime(const char* fname);
01891 timer fmtime(const char* fname);
01896 string tmpnam();
01898 };
01900 namespace proc {
01910 class thread : virtual public object {
01911 public:
01912         virtual string type();
01913         virtual operator string ();
01914 #ifdef _WIN32
01915         DWORD tid;
01916 #else
01917         pthread_t tid;
01918 #endif
01919         size_t stack;
01921         void* (*sub)(void*);
01922         thread();
01923         ~thread();
01924         thread(void* (*tfunc)(void*));
01925         bool start(void* param = 0);
01926         bool stop();
01927         bool join(void ** ret = 0);
01928         bool tjoin(size_t ms, void ** ret = 0);
01929         bool getret(void ** retval = 0);
01930         proc::thread& operator= (void* (*tfunc)(void*));
01931         proc::thread& operator= (proc::thread t);
01932         bool operator!= (void* (*tfunc)(void*));
01933         bool operator!= (proc::thread t);
01934         bool operator== (void* (*tfunc)(void*));
01935         bool operator== (proc::thread t);
01937         static void exit(void* retval);
01938         static proc::thread self();
01939 private:
01940 #ifdef _WIN32
01941         HANDLE fd;
01942 #else
01943         pthread_attr_t attr;
01944 #endif
01945 };
01966 #ifdef _WIN32
01967 inline void delay(size_t ms) { Sleep(ms); }
01968 DWORD run(const char* program, const char* argv = 0, void* envp = 0);
01969 #else
01970 void delay(size_t ms);
01971 pid_t run(const char* program, const char* argv = 0, void* envp = 0);
01972 #endif
01977 string lsproc();
01983 bool killp(size_t pid);
01989 bool killp(const char* name);
01995 bool freeze(size_t pid);
02001 bool freeze(const char* name);
02007 bool cont(size_t pid);
02013 bool cont(const char* name);
02020 bool envset(const char* name, const char* value);
02026 string envget(const char* name);
02033 class library : virtual public object {
02034 public:
02035         virtual string type();
02036         virtual operator string ();
02037 #ifdef _WIN32
02038         HMODULE fd;
02039 #else
02040         void* fd;
02041 #endif
02042         library() { fd = 0; }
02043         ~library();
02044         library& operator =(const char* libname);
02045         library& operator= (library s);
02046         bool operator== (library s);
02047         bool operator!= (library s);
02048         void* operator[] (const char* name);
02049 private:
02050         string libraryname;
02051 };
02063 class mutex : virtual public object {
02064 public:
02065         virtual string type();
02066         virtual operator string ();
02067 #ifdef _WIN32
02068         CRITICAL_SECTION id;
02069 #else
02070         pthread_mutex_t id;
02071 #endif
02072         mutex();
02073         ~mutex();
02074         void lock();
02075         bool trylock();
02076         void unlock();
02077 };
02093 class semaphore : virtual public object {
02094 public:
02095         virtual string type();
02096         virtual operator string ();
02097 #ifdef _WIN32
02098         HANDLE id;
02099 #else
02100         sem_t* id;
02101 #endif
02102         bool named;
02103         semaphore() {}
02104         semaphore(size_t count);
02105         semaphore(const char* name);
02106         ~semaphore();
02107         bool init(size_t count);
02108         bool die();
02109         bool open(const char* name);
02110         bool close();
02111         bool get(size_t ms = 0);
02112         bool tryget();
02113         bool ret();
02114 private:
02115 #ifndef _WIN32
02116         char* n;
02117         sem_t s;
02118 #endif
02119 };
02131 #ifndef _WIN32
02132 sem_t* mksem(const char* name, size_t count);
02133 bool rmsem(const char* name);
02134 #else
02135 HANDLE mksem(const char* name, size_t count);
02137 /* DOES NOTHING! Just for compatability */
02138 inline bool rmsem(const char* name) { return true; }
02139 #endif
02146 class pstream : virtual public io::ios {
02147 private:
02148         string pname; size_t p;
02149 #ifndef _WIN32
02150         int wpipe[2]; int rpipe[2];
02151 #else
02152         HANDLE rin, win, rout, wout, rerr, werr, ph;
02153 #endif
02154 public:
02164         bool blocking;
02165         pstream();
02168         virtual string type();
02176         virtual operator string ();
02179         string name();
02181         int getc();
02182         int putc(int c);
02203         bool open(const char* program, const char* argv = 0, void* envp = 0);
02204         bool open(const char* program, const char* argv, environment envp);
02205         bool open(const char* program, const char* argv, data envp);
02212         void close();
02217         size_t pid();
02218         operator size_t () { return pid(); }
02219 };
02231 class environment : virtual public object {
02232 private:
02233         struct p { string k; string v; };
02234         std::deque<p> e;
02235 public:
02241         string type();
02248         operator string ();
02255         string vars();
02262         string& operator[] (const char* s);
02269         string& at(size_t i);
02275         size_t len();
02281         environment& clear();
02287         bool empty();
02295         data bake();
02296 };
02298 }
02301 namespace net {
02304 namespace irc {
02310 class msg : virtual public object {
02311 public:
02313         virtual string type();
02315         virtual operator string ();
02318         string buf;
02319         msg(const char* line = 0);
02320         msg& operator= (const char* line);
02321         bool operator== (const char* line);
02322         bool operator!= (const char* line);
02325         string server();
02327         string nick();
02329         string user();
02331         string host();
02333         string cmd();
02335         string param(int index);
02337         string data();
02338 };
02339 /*
02340 class msg : virtual public object {
02341 public:
02342         virtual string type();
02343         operator string ();
02344         msg(const char* line = 0);
02345         msg& operator= (const char* line);
02346         msg& operator= (const msg& s);
02347         bool operator== (const char* line);
02348         bool operator!= (const char* line);
02349         bool operator== (msg im);
02350         bool operator!= (msg im);
02351         const char* server;
02352         const char* nick;
02353         const char* user;
02354         const char* host;
02355         const char* cmd;
02356         const char* param(int index);
02357         const char* data;
02358 private:
02359         char buf[536];
02360 };*/
02362 };
02365 namespace http {
02367 data download(const char* url, const char* port = "80");
02370 class query : virtual public axcel::object {
02371 private:
02372         struct svarpair { string n; string v; };
02373         std::deque<svarpair> svars;
02374 public:
02375         string type();
02376         operator string();
02377         string buf;
02378         string vars();
02379         string& var(const char* v);
02380         query& operator= (const char* s);
02381         string& operator[] (const char* v);
02382         query() {}
02383         query(const char* s);
02384         bool operator== (const char* s);
02385         bool operator== (query q);
02386         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02387         bool operator!= (query q);
02388 };
02391 class field : virtual public axcel::object {
02392 private:
02393         struct svarpair { string n; string v; };
02394         std::deque<svarpair> svars;
02395 public:
02396         string type();
02397         operator string();
02398         field() {}
02399         field(const char* s);
02400         string name;
02401         string data();
02402         string vars();
02403         string& var(const char* v = 0);
02404         field& operator= (const char* s);
02405         string& operator[] (const char* v);
02406         bool operator== (const char* s);
02407         bool operator== (field f);
02408         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02409         bool operator!= (field f);
02410 };
02413 class request : virtual public axcel::object {
02414 public:
02415         string type();
02416         operator string ();
02417         request& operator= (const char* s);
02418         request() {}
02419         request(const char* s) { this->operator=(s); }
02420         string file;
02421         string qstr;
02422         string method;
02423         double ver;
02424         bool operator== (const char* s);
02425         bool operator== (request r);
02426         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02427         bool operator!= (request r);
02428 };
02431 class response : virtual public axcel::object {
02432 public:
02433         string type();
02434         operator string ();
02435         response& operator= (const char* s);
02436         response() {}
02437         response(const char* s) { this->operator=(s); }
02438         double ver;
02439         int code;
02440         string status;
02441         bool operator== (const char* s);
02442         bool operator== (response r);
02443         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02444         bool operator!= (response r);
02445 };
02448 class header : virtual public axcel::object {
02449 private:
02450         std::deque<field> f;
02451 public:
02452         string type();
02453         operator string ();
02454         size_t len();
02455         string vars();
02456         field& var(const char* s);
02457         field& operator[] (const char* s);
02458         field& at(size_t i);
02459         header& operator= (const char* s);
02460         header& clear();
02461         header() {}
02462         header(const char* s);
02463         bool operator== (const char* s);
02464         bool operator== (header h);
02465         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02466         bool operator!= (header h);
02467 };
02469 };
02472 };
02474 struct errno_str { int no; const char* str; };
02475 extern struct errno_str errno_strs[];
02482 class exception : virtual public object {
02483 public:
02571         int no;
02572         string desc;
02573         string type();
02574         operator string();
02575         //operator int() { return no; }
02576         //operator bool() { return no; }
02577         bool operator !() { return !no; }
02578         exception();
02579         exception(int number);
02580         exception(const exception& e);
02581         exception(const char* msg);
02582         exception& operator= (int number);
02583         exception& operator= (const exception e);
02584         exception& operator= (const char* msg);
02585         bool operator== (exception e);
02586         bool operator== (const char* s);
02587         bool operator== (int num);
02588         bool operator!= (exception e);
02589         bool operator!= (const char* s);
02590         bool operator!= (int num);
02591 };
02595 }
02597 using namespace axcel;
02599 #endif
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